4 Top Debt Collection Excuses

As a debt collection attorney in Johannesburg, Ivan Zartz Attorneys often face many debtors who are unwilling to pay monies due to creditors or even after receiving a receipt following the acquisition of goods and services.
We understand what the plethora of excuses mean, and if you’re waiting for what is due to you for a period of time that extends beyond an agreement, then you may need a debt collection attorney in Johannesburg like Ivan Zartz. Here are our 4 top debt collection excuses by debtors:
- No answer. These are the debtors that offer little in the way of an excuse. Rather they avoid all phone calls, emails and letters. This can either mean that the debtor has disappeared off the face of the planet (which occasionally happens), or the debtor is truly unwilling to pay the debt. This is a serious indication of non-payment, and you will need to hire the expertise of a debt collection attorney in Johannesburg.
- “We haven’t received an invoice yet”. This is a brilliant delay tactic by debtors because it is confirmed to delay the process by at least 2 or 3 days. It is the creditors job to follow up, and then provide the invoice as soon as possible. If a debtor attempts this excuse more than twice then you may want the involve the debt collection attorney.
- Authorization of the invoice. This is also quite common, as a debtor will often say that the invoice has not yet been authorized by the accounts manager, or that the account manager is away on leave. This will require deft communication by the creditor. Take down the name of the person you’ve spoken to, find out the date at which the account manager will either be back or will be authorizing the invoice, and follow up on that date. Otherwise, if you fee that you are expected to wait too long, this may be a delay tactic. Contact a debt collection attorney in Johannesburg for help in this regard.
- Payment for payment. Many companies will use this delaying tactic when expected to pay debts. The excuse is that the business or individual cannot pay because they’re also awaiting for a payment from another party, or they are expecting funding from the bank. This gives you, the creditor, ample room for you to begin the liquidation procedure on the part of the debtor. For this process you will require the help of a debt collection attorney in Johannesburg.
If you are looking for the assistance of a debt collection attorney in Johannesburg, then make sure you contact Ivan Zartz Attorneys today!